Navigating the Waters of Director’s Personal Liability and Its Inheritance: A Legal Perspective

Personal liability for a company’s debts can now be inherited. A director’s personal liability for a company’s outstanding debts does not simply disappear on death. Instead, this responsibility is transferred to the director’s heir(s).
Strategic decision-making, transparency and the need for comprehensive legal and financial preparation are of great importance to anyone involved in or connected to the business sphere. Understanding these dynamics and preparing for their implications is crucial for both protection and forward planning.

The Dutch National Bank (DNB) scolded – founders DeGiro can be trusted

Wwft continues to occupy minds. The court overturns DNB’s earlier decision that founders of DeGiro are untrustworthy dismissing much of the evidence. At issue are six facts presented by DNB, which, by court order, may now not be used to prove any untrustworthiness of DeGiro’s founders.