AML – How a small financial institution can be as compliant as a bank

The compliance legislation seems unambiguous – but that is not quite right. The purpose of the rules is clear – but the nuances make the correct application of the rules challenging in practice.
Compliance laws and regulations cannot be adapted for smaller financial institutions, but the way smaller institutions deal with them can.

The Dutch National Bank (DNB) scolded – founders DeGiro can be trusted

Wwft continues to occupy minds. The court overturns DNB’s earlier decision that founders of DeGiro are untrustworthy dismissing much of the evidence. At issue are six facts presented by DNB, which, by court order, may now not be used to prove any untrustworthiness of DeGiro’s founders.

bunq-ruling & The Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act

The Prevention of Financing of Terrorism Act (Wwft) has a risk-based approach that requires institutions themselves to assess the relevant risks of a client and then put in place sufficient mitigating measures in return. Banks and financial institutions have armies of employees dealing with KYC and CDD on a daily basis. Where do you stand?

Edith Nordmann honoured with Outstanding Leadership Award

Edith Nordmann, Managing Partner & Attorney at Law at ACG International, was felicitated with the “Outstanding Leadership Award” at the Law 2.0 Conference for her exceptional contributions to the global legal sector. She was recognized before established industry professionals at the InterContinental, Dubai Festival City, UAE, on December 16–18, 2022.

Her exceptional contributions to the legal sector paved her way to receiving global recognition at the Law 2.0 Conference.

You are fired!

You're fired - Immediate dismissal requirement for summary dismissal

A summary dismissal is very drastic and a last resort to allow the employer to dismiss an employee immediately in case of an urgent reason. Theft, fraud, threats and violence come to mind when asked for a reason, but refusal of work without good reason can also lead to summary dismissal.
An employer, as the stronger party, is expected to handle summary dismissal with due diligence and exercise due diligence towards an employee based on good employment practice.
In the case of summary dismissal, the relationship between the requirement of promptness and the duty of care taken must be considered.
Proper preparation can ensure that the employer is not caught off guard by the court. Taking timely legal advice is one of them. ACG International is specialised and experienced in assisting both employers and employees in issues of (dismissal) grounds. It is important for both employers and employees that these matters are and remain on the right track.

Mind the gap!

Gender Pay Gap

Despite the efforts of policy makers, the pay gap (the difference between men’s and women’s wages) remains a major problem to be addressed. It can seem overwhelming and often employers do not know exactly where and how to start. Such issues can cause problems and create a tense working atmosphere. ACG International can help employers create transparency.